Monday, August 24, 2009

Life is Worth Living

Bishop Fulton Sheen tells it like it is! For more than 30 years, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was the most famous Catholic leader in the United States with a worldwide radio and TV broadcast ministry. When it came to undiluted Christian teachings, Catholics and non-Catholics alike turned to "Bishop Sheen" because they knew they could trust him to "tell it like it is." And you still can!

Archbishop Sheen was well known as a sophisticated prelate with a rock-solid theological background. But he also had the ability to relate complex concepts with great insight and wit in a way that appealed to everyone, from theological scholar to the typical Catholic-in-the-pew! Perhaps that's why his words are still fresh and inspiring today, and continue to change the lives of thousands-even non-Catholics! This magnificent series is the most comprehensive explanation of the Catholic vision of life ever offered and every Catholic home in America should have a copy. Over 50 great talks from Bishop Sheen.

Click here to learn more about this amazing collection and to order Bishop Sheen on compact disc from our web site

Friday, August 21, 2009

Rediscovering Catholicism - Catholic Bestseller

Currently number one (1) and fifty seven (57) weeks on the Cathoic bestsellers list. Matthew Kelly has done it again!

At a time when many Catholics are disillusioned, questioning their faith, and filled with doubts about the relevance of Catholicism in the modern world, the voice of one young man cries out with a clarity and inspiration to the world's largest faith community.

Beginning with our common yearning for happiness, Rediscovering Catholicism, takes us on an adventure of life-changing proportions by addressing some of the most important questions we face today both as individuals and as a Church.

In each generation a leader comes forth who is able to bring Christianity to life in a way that revitalizes individuals, communities, and the universal Church. One you experience his bold, brilliant, practical, and inspiring style, you will soon understand why so many people consider Matthew Kelly to be one of the great spiritual voices of our times.
Over the past ten years, Matthew Kelly has seen more of the world than most presidents and more of the Church than most bishops. Now, in this unique and timely book, he proposes that Catholicism is not a lifeless set of rules and regulations, but a way of life designed by God to help each person reach his or her full potential. With remarkable insight, Kelly dispels dozens of the myths that surround the practice and rejection of Catholicism today, and provides a profound and practical vision of what will lead the Catholic Church to thrive again in the future.
"Holiness is to become the-best-version-of-yourself. Francis of Assisi spent his whole life trying to become the best-version-of-himself. Mother Teresa spent her whole life trying to become the-best-version-of-herself. God calls us all to holiness, because God wants each of us to be all we can be."
"The goal of the Christian life is holiness," Kelly explains, "but somewhere along the way this term disappeared from most Catholic's vocabulary. Either because we thought it was an unattainable ideal or because we felt it lacked relevance in the modern context. Maybe we thought the idea of holiness made people feel guilty. Perhaps we just wanted to make it easier for people. Whatever the reason, the disappearance of this goal hasn't made it easier for modern Catholics; it's made it harder for them."

Learn more about this excellent book at our web site

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Navarre New Testament Bible - 12 volume set

This is the ultimate biblical commentary on all 27 books of the New Testament. Compiled by the faculty of the University of Navarre, these commentaries draw from many valued sources including: Church documents, writings of Church Doctors, saints and the Catechism. These books are written in both the English Revised Standard Version and the Latin New Vulgate. Each books is well designed and includes introductions to each Bible book, maps, notes and a table of sources.

This set (and the partner Old Testament) is a must for every Catholic home library.

Click here to learn more and purchase this wonderful set from our web site,

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

This is a comprehensive history of the Cathoic Church. It includes every major event in the Church’s history from the life of her founder, Jesus Christ, to the present day.
Complete with maps, timelines, sidebars, paintings, and photographs, The History of the Church is a critical historical resource for Catholic and non-Catholic historians alike. Ideal for formal classroom teaching or for homestudy, this wonderful book is a treasure in any library.
The Didache Series presents the life and doctrine of the Catholic Church in the context of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the teachings of Vatican II as witnessed by the pontificates of John Paul II and Benedict XVI. The Didache Series also draws from Sacred Scripture, the lives of the Saints, and the Doctors and Fathers of the Church. It is ideal for high school and adult education, seminaries and colleges, RCIA, catechism classes, and home schooling.
Click here to to learn more about this outstanding book and to visit our new web site

Friday, August 14, 2009

Anne, A Lay Apostle

She is a wife, a mother of six, and a Secular Franciscan. She has been handpicked by Jesus to receive private revelations and to spread His word through her ministry. Anne is not her real name and she chooses to keep her true identity private, a humble submission to retain the focus on His message and not on her. Her first two books are: Climbing the Mountain and The Mist of Mercy.
Climbing the Mountain
Ideal for personal spiritual reading or as a gift to family or friends, it includes an overview of the mission of Jesus Christ, The Returning King, as well as a riveting and intriguing account of Anne's mystical visits to heaven. Anne writes in depth about the Mountain of Holiness and the path each of us must climb. The final portion of the book includes a complete reprint of all ten of the Heaven Speaks.
The Mist of Mercy
In this book, Anne digs deep into the spiritual warfare battle, teaching us how to recognize and overcome obstacles to sanctity. In the book, she relates her remarkable experiences of purgatory, with more detail than we've ever seen before. You will have a whole new understanding of purgatory and how it relates to the love-filled mercy of God.
Available now at - click here to learn more about books from Anne, a Lay Apostle.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Now a wonderful new book is designed to help divorced Catholics with the healing process. Written by Lisa Duffy and Vince Frese, a must read for divorced men and women, especially if you are Catholic, and the perfect curriculum for parish groups. This book is an indispensable tool for healing, no matter how long you've been divorced and is completely Catholic. Originally a successful program directed in parishes, "Divorced. Catholic. Now What?" provides answers to the difficult questions that Catholics face because of divorce, practical tools to help move past the pain and loneliness, and hope for the future. Testimonials state this book will change your life.

Available now at - click here to learn more about this helpful book!